Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sea beans (aka MAGICAL beans) and other random things roaming the sands of Galvatraz

Honestly, I had no idea sea-beans existed until a couple months ago.
I know, I know…beat me with a stick, put a dunce cap on my head, and place me in the corner with my finger up my nose!  I’m a little late to purchase tickets for this awesome train.
However, now that I’ve managed to hobo myself into this weird group of obsessed beach combers, I’ve acquired a collection (all be it, small!) of various sea-beans that I share joint custody of :-P

I discovered the sea purse, a sea heart, brown hamburger bean, St. Mary's Cross (my favorite), coconut, and mermaid's purse (not pictured).

All in all, it was a pretty righteous find :)