Monday, January 3, 2011

A resolution to resolve the psyche

How very interesting 1/1/11…almost could pass for binary.

The New Year always manages to peak my interest and taunt me with its prospect for improvement and self-revelation through the ever popular New Year’s Resolution. And, sadly, my resolution really hasn’t changed  in the past two years - nor will it start now.

Why do you ask? Well, my dear journal, because it’s YOU that I have resoluted to keep. The only difference is this time I will make it the most brutally honest of journals I have ever written.

I do this not because I’ve lied or embellished; rather, I’ve held back a lot. Most of it is in fear that someone will find it and crucify me. But after two beers, I have thought about it and can't find a solid reason as to why anyone’s opinion would even matter. I mean, granted, it could definitely ruin intimate relationships I’ve established (both friendship and lover); however, should that influence me?

Well, my friend, in the long run it does and it doesn’t. I believe in true journalism – uncut, nitty-gritty, in your face, piss off, but you can’t stop reading because it’s the truth… And, everyone should respect the truth. Having a filter is so limiting and SUPER lame. Plus, this is my life I’m documenting.

Oh, and the journal I keep will not be broadcast here. If parts of it are, there will be a lot of heavy editing....sigh, such the hypocrite. The intimacy established in the journal is for my eyes only!